4 years
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) medication?
Hello doctor,
Male age 29, suspect I have LPR.
Many times feel need to clear throat, most significant always after meal 5 - 10 mins need to clear throat for perhaps 30 mins or more, feeling of “phlegm” stuck behind throat.
Also feel the same sometime when going to bed, feeling of clearing throat non stop.
Persistent for more than more than a year already, no feeling of heartburn thus likely to be LPR rather than gerd.
Please advice medication we can buy from here the dosage and duration? Previously have been on Omprazole (PPI) for acid reflux many years back but have read H2 may be better in treating LPR as less side effects?
Could Dr please advice any H2 medication like pepcid etc as well as dosage/instructions?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
4 years
Hi, thank you for reaching out to us.
We understand your concern. However, based on your complaints in the question section, we strongly advised you to speak directly with a doctor and so that further examination physically and clinically can be done so that the exact management can be given to you.
Regarding the medication and dosage, we are unable tell you the exact medication and dosage as this will need an official prescription by the doctor that examine you.
If you have any further question, do not hesitate to contact us at (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors via phone call. We will value your privacy. Thank you.