3 years
Brown spotting after intercourse
I’m a woman of 28 years of age and just got married. After having our first intercourse (early morning Wed), my husband noticed that there were blood (very lightly) on the condom he’s wearing & on the bed. During intercourse, I did experience pain during penetration but only during the beginning. Throughout the day (after that Wed morning), I have been experiencing brown spotting (until today, Thurs-2 days), similar to the discharge we get towards the end of menses but no apparent foul smell, no itching at the vagina, no fever & no cramps. Is this normal to have experience this? Should I be worried?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello, thank you for your enquiry.
For your information, the symptoms you experienced, brown spotting after intercourse which lasted for 2 days may because of several factors. For example, first timer or virgin, which bleed after intercourse because of tearing of the hymen, may have spotting for 3 days, do consult a doctor if it last longer; vaginal injury or tear during intercourse, may cause minor spotting which last for 1 to 2 weeks.
Since you do not have fever, pain, itching, foul smelling discharge, it is less likely to cause by infection or inflammation. However, some other gynaecological causes such as cysts, polyps, fibroids and so on are usually asymptomatic, less likely to cause bleeding after intercourse but may happen.
We recommend that, if your symptoms persisted or does not improve, please consult a doctor for further examinations and investigations to find out the cause of your bleeding or spotting. A proper plan of management can be discuss after that.
For more information, you may contact us for an online consultation for further assistance as well.
Thank you, we hope our answer has been helpful.
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