3 years
Sex during Pregnancy
Hai doctor, can I ask question about sex, first , can I have sex when my wife pregnant nine week? Is it save?

3 years
Hello and good evening
Thank you for your question.
Based on your question, I understand that you are worried about your problem. I will try to help you.
For your information, it’s perfectly safe to have sex during pregnancy unless your doctor or midwife has told you not to. Your midwife or doctor will probably advise you to avoid sex if your partner had any heavy bleeding in this pregnancy. Sex may increase the risk of further bleeding if the placenta is low or there’s a collection of blood (haematoma).
You’ll also be advised to avoid sex if:
- your partner’s waters have broken – it can increase the risk of infection (ask your midwife or doctor if you’re not sure whether waters have broken)
- there are any problems with the entrance to your partner’s womb (cervix) – your partner may be at a higher risk of going into early labour or having a miscarriage
- you’re having twins, or have previously had early labours, and are in the later stages of pregnancy
If you or your sexual partner are having sex with other people during your pregnancy, it’s important you use a barrier form of contraception, such as a condom, to protect you and your baby from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
If any of the above occurred, I advise you to refer to a doctor for proper treatment. You can also have an online consultation with our doctors for more information and further treatments.
I hope this answer will help you. Thank you.
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