3 years
Collapse when working
I am a student that need to work on the assignment and art commission in front of the computer for almost 16 hours. Just a few hours ago, my sight got blurry, can’t focus, and my consciousness began to blur. Can’t really feel my breath and got collapse on my desk. I try to push myself up but I can’t really have enough energy to do it. I got collapsed for 2 hours and awake when my phone ringing. My sight take quite some times to back to normal. Its quite scary that I do really feels that I might die if this happened next time.
More information:
I eat twice a day, and do 30min exercise 4 times a week.

3 years
Hello and thank you for addressing your concern.
According to your statement, we believe a thorough clerking, investigation and examination needs to be done first in order to clearly understand what we are facing at the moment. Correspondingly, the given information by you might only touch the surface of an underlying problem.
Increase the body’s immune system by consuming a balanced and nutritious diet.
For your information those symptoms can occur due to:
- Extreme fatigues
- Sleeping disorder
- Unregulated sleeping hygiene
- Lack of body nutrients or exercise
- Low body’s immunity
- Low blood sugar
- Signs of anemia
- or even early signs of cardiovascular disorder
With that being said, in order to determine your current condition/problems or to be able to decide on which therapy best suited if deemed necessary, an additional assessment must be done. Hence we encourage you to consult with the nearest clinic or hospital in your area.
Need a second opinion from a specialist? Our Internal Medicine Specialists are here to help.
Nonetheless, you can also talk directly to our doctors by using this link. (DoctorOnCall) Thank you.