4 years
Tiredness and lack of energy all the time
Good day,
Please advise on which multivitamin is the best for elderly woman (age more than 70 years old)? She always complained on having lack of energy, very tired all the times even though she didn’t do much work or chores. She always feel weak and tired, and sleepy most of the time. She have a history of hyperthyroid and mild lung issues. Is blackmores multivitamin and evening primrose oil and fish oil good for her? Kindly advised urgently.
Thank you

4 years
Hi and thank you for your inquiry. This is a general answer to the question asked. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately.
Based on your description, it is important to find the underlying cause to the tiredness that the lady experienced. Using multivitamin without knowing the underlying cause can lead to difficulty to have a proper diagnosis in the future. The problem may be due to several factors such as:
- exacerbation of lung disease
- Thyroid problem - like hypothyroid (excessive hyperthyroid medication can lead to hypothyroidism
- Not getting enough sleep - this can happen if you were angry and thus causing the imbalance of hormones
- Polymyalgia rheumatica - commonly affects the elderly population
- anemia (need to be investigated thoroughly to exclude colorectal cancer especially in elderly)
Hence, it is important to identify the underlying cause. If the conditions persist and worsen, you are advised to seek medical help as further questions and examinations are needed before a conclusion can be made. You can click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to one of our doctors privately.