5 years
Ejaculation Pre-Mature
Dear Doctor,
I’m a teenager…18 years old …and still studying. I’m too shy to ask face to face…I have a problem on " awal pancut " I’m very afraid. What should I do to avoid this problem and how to longer the ejaculation?. I afraid about my future…Please help me doctor. TQ.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
5 years
Greetings. Your question is highly appreciated.
The following description regarding the query is a general description to your current condition. Click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to converse with our doctors for further personalised enlightment.
Premature ejaculation is a condition where a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his partner would like. It can be caused by a psychological or biological causes
- Early sexual experiences
- Poor body image
- Depression or Anxiety
- Always worrying about premature ejaculation
- Abnormal hormone levels
- Abnormal brain chemicals (neurotransmitters)
- Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra
Treatment options for premature ejaculation include behavioral techniques, topical anesthetics, medications and counseling. In order for you to get the treatment, doctor will need to diagnose you first with the condition. Further information via discussion is required before reaching a conclusion.
Therefore, it is suggested that you refer this to a medical doctor. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors on the line for personalised online consultation. Thank you.