5 years
Serious premature ejaculation
I’m 37 years old and having serious premature ejaculation. It’s been years. How to treat this? Thanks

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
5 years
Hello, thank you for asking.
The answer is a general description of the problem you’re having. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with us.
Based on the above information, we understand your concern about the problem you’re having. For your information, premature ejaculation can be caused by a variety of things. These include:
- Low dose serotonin (a type of brain neurotransmitter that controls sexual appetite)
- Age
- Psychology like negative emotions has an impact on sexual appetite
In fact, this complaint is so subjective that there is no standard measurement of the time taken for ejaculation. In fact, since symptoms have been around for some time, it can be thought of as interfering with your sexual routine and even affecting your relationship. Therefore, it’s best to get treatment for this problem.
However, to know the exact cause of the problem you are facing, more information is needed before a conclusion can be drawn. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you refer this problem to your doctor. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with us in person online. Thank you.