5 years
Premature Ejaculation problem. Ejaculate before penetration or during early penetration
Saya berumur 26 tahun. Baru berkahwin 3 tahun. Sebelum ni sebelum sexual intercourse saya selalu menggunakan krim untuk delay the ejaculation. However, lately last year i felt that the cream doesnt work and i tend to ejaculation before penetrate my partner or doest last about one or two minutes. Its kind of discouraging… and the now its not that i dont want to have sex. But im afraid that I couldn’t last and satisfy my partner. Even when i get excited and the thought to have sex my penis will feel like its going to ejaculate even before even he sexual intercourse. I dont whether my penis is the problem due to increase in sensitivity or it is related to any of my mental health… but i can say that im not confident and im afraid i could not have proper intercourse with my partner. Please help me

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
5 years
Hello, thank you for your question.
The answer is a general description of the problem you’re having. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with us.
Based on the above information, we understand your concern about the problem you’re having. For your information, although it is highly likely that what you experience is premature ejaculation, do note that it can be caused by many things, such as:
- Psychological factors including early experiences, abuse, poor body image, depression and others
- Erectile dysfunction
- Anxiety
- Relationship problems
- Unstable hormone levels
- Abnormal brain chemicals
- Inflammation of prostate or urethra due to more serious medical condition or infections
- Hereditary
Because you are at a young age, we believe this condition is still reversible and highly treatable. Please refer to health professionals regarding the suitability of the medication for your existing health status and to refer this problem further as additional information and examination are required before conclusions and treatment can be provided. This is important before taking other medication that might not cure the root cause of the problem
Please click on the link (DoctorOnCall) to contact your doctor or on the link (DoctorOnCallEPharma) to speak with our pharmacist online. We will protect your privacy. Thank you.