4 years
How is high blood pressure diagnosed
Hi doctor. I have one question.How is high blood pressure diagnosed? My daughter is 15 years old and she has high bp for few episodes. Doctor diagnosed her hypertension. I need more information regarding hypertension in adolescents. Thanks Doctor

5 years
Hi, thank you for your question.
Blood pressure will need to be taken on a few different occasions over a period of time in order to know whether it is an actual problem or is it due to fear. The doctor will also need to know more details about your child’s diet, exercise level, family history and any possible stressors. Other than that, a few tests such as blood tests, urine test and ultrasound of the kidneys, may be helpful.
Hypertension shows that the pressure inside the arteries are elevated and this may cause harm to the arteries and make the heart pump harder. Blood pressure can be affected by physical activities, illness, medications, diet and emotions. It will also fluctuate throughout the day. If the cause of hypertension is not known, it is known as primary hypertension. However, if it is due to some illness, it is known as secondary hypertension.
Secondary causes of hypertension includes kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, anxiety or medications.
Adolescents are at risk of having hypertension if they are boys, overweight, or have a family history of hypertension. They often do not show any symptoms and are only discovered during a visit to the doctor.
Treatment of hypertension depends on your child’s age, overall health and severity. They will be adviced to eat a healthy diet, lose weight, exercise regularly and learn to manage stress effectively. If the cause of the hypertension is due to some other illness, the doctor will treat it accordingly. Hypertension damages the blood vessels and heart, thus increasing the risk of having a stroke or heart disease. Therefore, it is important to follow your doctor’s advice and keep hypertension under control.
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