4 years
My child is a hypertension patient
Doctor, my child is a hypertension patient. what is normal bp for paediatric hypertension? i’m worried as i need to keep an eye of his hypertension

5 years
Hi, thank you for your question. Blood pressure (BP) in children differs according to their age. As they grow older, their BP will gradually increase and eventually achieve the adult values of 120/80 mmHg. BP reading shows 2 numbers. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) (first number) records the pressure inside the artery when the heart contracts. Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (second number) records the pressure inside the artery when the heart relaxes.
Normal BP in neonates (<1 month old) is 67-84/35-53mmHg. In infants (<1 year old), the normal BP is 72-104/37-56mmHg. In toddlers (1-2 years old), the normal BP is 86-106/42-63mmHg. In preschoolers (3-5 years old), the normal BP is 89-112/46-72mmHg. In school-age children (6-9 years old), the normal BP is 97-11/57-76mmHg. In adolescents (10-15 years old), the normal BP is 102-131/61-83mmHg.
In 1 week old neonates, they are considered to have significant hypertension if SBP is >96mmHg and severe hypertension if SBP is >106mmHg. In 1 week – 1 month old neonates, they are considered to have significant hypertension if SBP is >104mmHg and severe hypertension if SBP is >110mmHg.
In infants, they are considered to have significant hypertension if BP is >112/74mmHg and severe hypertension if BP is >118/82mmHg. In 3-5 year-olds, they are considered to have significant hypertension if BP is >116/76mmHg and severe hypertension if BP is >124/86mmHg. In 6-9 year-old, they are considered to have significant hypertension if BP is >122/78mmHg and severe hypertension if BP is >130/86mmHg.
In 10-12 year-olds, they are considered to have significant hypertension if BP is >126/82mmHg and severe hypertension if BP is >134/90mmHg. In 13-15 year-olds, they are considered to have significant hypertension if BP is >136/86mmHg and severe hypertension if BP is >144/92mmHg.
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