4 years
I went for a check up set by my company once and my bp was high
I went for a check up set by my company once and my bp was high. I never had this before. Does this mean I have hypertension? Should I start taking medication?

5 years
Hi, thank you for your question. Having one elevated blood pressure does not mean that you have hypertension. Blood pressure can be affected by physical activities, illness, medications, diet and emotions. It will also fluctuate throughout the day. To get an accurate blood pressure reading, avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco before blood pressure measurement.
Also, sit down and take a rest before measuring your blood pressure. Make sure your arm is placed at the level of your heart and repeat your measurement to make sure it is accurate. Blood pressure will need to be taken on a few different occasions over a period of time in order to know whether it is an actual problem or is it due to stress or fear. Your doctor will also need to take a detailed medical history and order a few tests such as blood test and urine test. You should consult your doctor before taking medication.
The first figure in your blood pressure reading is the systolic pressure, showing you the pressure inside your artery when your heart contracts. The second figure is the diastolic pressure, showing you the pressure inside the artery when your heart relaxes. A normal blood pressure is <120/80mmHg.
You will need to start taking medication immediately if your systolic blood pressure is >160mmHg and/or diastolic pressure >100 mmHg. If your systolic pressure is 120-159mmHg and/or diastolic pressure 80-99mmHg, your doctor will assess your risk of developing heart issues. If you have moderate or high risk of developing heart problems, you will be started on medications. If your risk of developing heart problems is low, your doctor will advice you on lifestyle changes and re-evaluate your blood pressure in 3-6 months’ time.
Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately online and discuss further about your inquiries. Thank you.