3 years
Puffy eyes after taking medication
Im taking ibuprofen to reduce my fever symptom. After about 30 minutes, my eyelids become puffy. Is this the sign for me to stop taking ibuprofen or anything related to nsaid?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello and good morning.
Thank you for your question
Based on your question, I understand that you are worry about your problem. I will try to help you.
For your information, based on the symptoms that you had mentioned above, you may be have an allergy to the ibuprofen. Every medication that was prescribe by the doctors are based on particular indication. The doctor need to know more about your medical history and do a thorough physical examination before making a conclusion about your problem. It is because every medication has their own side effect.
So, before taking any medication, I advice you to refer to a doctor to get a proper treatment. You can also have an online consultation with our doctors for more information and further treatments.
I hope this answer will help you. Thank you.
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