
3 years

Medicine for vertigo

I had vertigo some years back, that was in Singapore and the Dr prescribed me (Combi A) Dhaperazine 5mg and Betaserc 24mg. Recent month I had it again and the Dr in JB prescribed me (Combi B) Betahistine Mesilate 6mg and Prinazin 25mg. I went to Pharmacy to get the above medicine, either Combi A or B, and keep it with me at all times because anytime can have the vertigo come back again… But the Pharmacist gave me Betaserc 24mg and Prinazin 25mg. She said Prinazin is about the same with Dhaperazine. But the Prinazin is 25mg, Dhaperazine is 5mg in my original prescription. So can I take Betaserc 24mg and Prinazin 25mg together? Thanks.

Dr Ramzdhan,

3 years

Hello and thank you for your question.

Based on your question, I understand that you have concerns about medications for vertigo. I will try to help you.

I will do slight brief explanation for each drugs. Yet, you are still strongly advised to make choice of drug combination after thorough discussion with doctor personally based on your overall health profile.

For your information, the drugs mentioned as above are all indicated for vertigo disorder, they differ in drug class/ mechanism of action and contents, so can also differ in side effects.

Dhaperazine 5mg : Prochlorperazine maleate
Betaserc 24mg : Betahistine dihydrochloride
Merislon 6mg : Betahistine mesilate
Prinazin 25mg : Cinnarizine

As comparison between Dhaperazine and Prinazin, they have different mode of actions to relieve vertigo with respective side effects.
There is no known interactions up until now between Betaserc 24mg and Prinazin 25mg but efficacy of Betaserc when taken with antihistamine (Prinazin) can be reduced or increased ie you may feel more sleepy with both taken together.

You can also contact our doctor online for further information and management.

I hope this answer helps you. Thank you.

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