3 years
Dizzines for a week and i feel like it’s hard to walk sometime because i felt like spinning but just a little bit,
Hi doctor im a 19year old male,and lately i feel like my head is spinning and dizzy for about a week now,i don’t know what is the problem ,i went to a clinic the other day they just gave me a headache pills and muscle pill

3 years
hello and good evening,
Thank you for your question
Based on your question, I am understand that you are worry about you problem. I will try to help you.
For your information. there are many causes that can contribute to your problem. They are:
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
- Meniere Disease
- Lack of thiamine in diet
- Anaemia
- Eye glaucoma
- Growth in the brain
so, I advice you to refer to the doctor to get a proper treatment. You can contact us for an online consultation to get information and further treatments.
I hope that this answer will satisfy you. Thank you.
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