3 years
Yellowish Hard Pus Near Tonsol
For couple of weeks, I feel something in back of my throat, it doesn’t hurt me, just sometime it is annoying. I thought it was fish bone or nut stuck. Then I try look in mirror with flash light, I notice that my tonsil become more red and have yellowish thing (like a harden pus) stuck on it. I try pull it all out, and I manage to it. It smell bad and leave a hole on my tonsil. do I need to do anything else (like going to hospital to check)?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello, thank you for your enquiry.
For your information, enlarged tonsils with yellowish lining around it may be a suppurative tonsillitis, causes by viral or bacterial infections, therefore it will gives off unpleasant odour. Other than that, it may be due to other causes of tonsils enlargement as well, such as tonsilloliths (stones in tonsils), chronic tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, posterior nasal drip and others.
In order to find out the cause for your symptoms, a more detailed history is needed, as well as a proper clinical examinations and relevant investigations. You are required to refer your problem to a doctor as soon as possible so that further work-up can be done. Then only the final diagnosis can be made and a proper treatment plan can be done for you.
For more information, you may refer to your doctor or contact us for an online consultation for assistance.
Thank you, we hope our answer has been helpful.
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