3 years
Frequent runny nose
for the past few months ive noticed i get runny nose at least once a week, that usually resolves the next day
ive taken the extra prevention by avoiding dust, pets,taking anything cold even.
and ive also noticed its always my right nostril that is blocked and not the left. besides that, there is also a whistle like noise from my right nostril when i im not having flu
can i purchase a nasal spray to prevent my flu from recurring?

3 years
Hello and thank you for using our services
We understand your concern about having a frequent runny nose on the right side and we will try to assist you with this matter.
For your information, before purchasing any medication, it is advisable to identify the cause of the problem as it may be caused by:
- Sinusitis
- Nonallergic rhinits
- Hormonal changes
- Dry air
- Smoking
It might also be caused by serious conditions that need further assessment such as:
- Deviated septum
- Nasal polyp
- Viral infection
That is why, you are advised to consult with our doctor via teleconsultation to assess your condition and provide you with further advice.
We hope this answers your question.
Have a nice day, thank you.
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