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Nose - booger appears greenish
2 years
I cleaned booger everyday. However, last week, I found out that booger from my left nose is a little bit greenish and the condition continues. Is this normal? Usually it only appears greenish wh…
- Anonymous
Earwax Hardened Blockage
2 years
Hi, I have a hardened and blocked earwax. And currently I’m using an eardrops to soften the earwax and will be removing the earwax next week. Just wanted to check if it is safe if I go swimming …
- Anonymous
Slight hearing loss in one ear and swollen cheek bone
3 years
I am a woman in my 20s and I faced hearing loss in one ear since the last week of december, 2021. My hearing did come back after a week which is during the first week of January 2022 but a few d…
- Anonymous
Suara serak basah dan kurang jelas
3 years
Hi, saya wanita berusia 27 tahun. Sedari kecil suara saya serak basah dan kadang kala perlahan dan susah untuk difahami. Apabila saya bercakap di dalam meeting, saya terpaksa menggunakan microph…
- Anonymous
Have an ear infection
3 years
I am currently having ear infection and i bought Pocin-H ear drops from here. The drops is white in colour and quite dense. After applying it, when thr is some dry white stuffs like plastics in …
- Anonymous
Having ear infection
3 years
May i know can we wipe our ear when having infection? Like using cotton wipes to wipe the outer part after bath. Becuz i currently having ear infection
- Anonymous
I have a thick blood on mucus
3 years
I am male 30 years old,have no allergies but suddenly after vaccinated i have blood on my mucus and its make me uneasy
- Anonymous
Coughing after cleaning up dusty places
3 years
I am a woman in my 20s, felt suffocated, shortness of breath, sneezing, runny nose and coughing shortly an hour after the cleaning session was done yesterday but it is still bearable. Today, the…
- Anonymous
Dizzines for a week and i feel like it’s hard to walk sometime because i felt like spinning but just a little bit,
3 years
Hi doctor im a 19year old male,and lately i feel like my head is spinning and dizzy for about a week now,i don’t know what is the problem ,i went to a clinic the other day they just gave me a he…
- Anonymous
Having ear disorder causing me uncomfortable sleeping
3 years
Hi doc, I’m 26 male. I’ve been having this ear discomfort whereby initially one of my ears (left ear) was having some sort of stinky yellowish sticky fluid (probably pus). Few days later, I star…
- Anonymous
Sinus problem or what?
3 years
hi doktor my name is riya 24 years old…i always feel something hooked in my nose…cant breathe properly…can i know why like that what should i do for cure it…
- Anonymous
Sharp Pain In Ear and Discomfort
3 years
Hi! I am 22 years old and a female. My left ear has been hurting for a few days. It’s painful even when I’m not doing anything and when I press onto it, pull my ear or sleep on the side of that …
- Anonymous
Hidung tidak selesa ketika bangun daripda tidur
3 years
Slm dr. Nak tnya kenapa ye sy setiap kali bangun tdr hdung mesti tak selesa, rasa gatal dan akn mngeluarkan lendir jernih berasyim sekerap nya. Nak tnya dulu sy tak bgini hanya smnjak tahun lalu…
- Anonymous
Rasa tidak selesa pada kepala dan hidung
3 years
Saya berumur 32 tahun. Saya mengalami rasa tidak selesa pada kepala dan hidung selepas minum minuman seperti milo,teh,kopi.
- Anonymous
Yellowish Hard Pus Near Tonsol
3 years
For couple of weeks, I feel something in back of my throat, it doesn’t hurt me, just sometime it is annoying. I thought it was fish bone or nut stuck. Then I try look in mirror with flash light,…
- Anonymous
Blocked nose when lying down
3 years
I’m a woman in 20s and I have been experiencing blocage of nose for quite some time now. Not sure when it started but I recently realised that it got worse - to the point of having trouble sleping due…
- hsnahmzh
Watery dripping nose. My left nosestril is the worst
3 years
i am a 17 years old girl. I thought i was only having allergy reaction to cat . But the symptom still happen when my cat is not around. Currently im taking medicine such as Cetrizine . i have symptom …
- balqisha04
Frequent runny nose
3 years
for the past few months ive noticed i get runny nose at least once a week, that usually resolves the next day ive taken the extra prevention by avoiding dust, pets,taking anything cold even. a…
- Anonymous
A lot of phlegm for years
3 years
I am 35 years old man. I have been troubled by phlegm issue since many years ago. First time, doctor said my nose water flows backward, after this issue resolved. I recovered for a while. maybe …
- Anonymous
I feel something in my throath and i feel hard to swallow when eat
3 years
Hi doctor im jen and im 23 this year, i feel like there is something in my throath and i feel hard to swallow when i eat and i feel my throath is heavy. I feel like i getting so scared and have …
- Anonymous
Itchy and smelly ear
3 years
my right ear is clean and with very little earwax. However I am still having itchy and smelly ear problem. No redness no swelling, no pus, just smelly, itchy and sometime feel hot inside and fee…
- Anonymous
Runny nose and sneezing
3 years
I took a pill of Clarityne this morning since I was sneezing and had a bit of runny nose (clear mucus) but I felt like it didn’t work for me, so I took another tablet of ZrytecD which is for all…
- Anonymous
Hi,doc,my throat is a bit itchy, my ears are a little bit ringing, my throat is a bit dry even after I drink a lot of water, do I have symptoms of new coronary pneumonia?
3 years
I am 39years old last week eating too much seafood,after feel not well
- Anonymous
Lot of Phlegm for 4 months
3 years
i have a lot Phlegm in my chest for 4 months
- Anonymous
Running nose and cant sleep
3 years
i’m having running nose to frequent until cant sleep well. sometime both nose was blocked. Its make me always MC due to not felling well for work. Whats is the problem and which medicine i shoul…
- Anonymous
Runny nose, the condition is very bad
3 years
Runny nose, the condition is very bad
- Anonymous
Nose bleeding regulary
3 years
lately having nose bleeding… can i know whats the problem and solution
- Anonymous
Cough with dry mucus. Irritation almost every time but on the night time most terrible
3 years
I am a women in my 40’s and I have been coughing almost 4 weeks but still same. No difference. Didn’t yet follow up with clinic due to my duty scheduled to tight. I just take medication from pha…
- Anonymous
Rasa hidung tersumbat
3 years
Saya lelaki, 21 tahun Hidung saya kerap tersumbat Tapi pada sebelah kiri Sahana Saya melihat seperti ada ketumbuhan di Dalam hiding sebelah Kiri.
- Anonymous
Stabbing pain inside ear
3 years
I am a 30 years old woman. I feel stabbing pain inside my right ear for almost two days. Earlier it came and went l, but now the pain remain. No pressure, no discharge, no hearing loss, my skin …
- Anonymous