4 years
Can someone with gout fasting
Can someone with gout fasting?

5 years
Hi there! Thank you for your question. So the answer to your question is yes. There is a chance for fasting to increase the incidence of gout. This is because fasting can cause you to become dehydrated. This in turn will your uric acid levels in your body. High uric acid is the most important cause of gout and it increase you risk for an acute flare plenty fold.
With that being said, there was a study done in 2007 which concluded that there was no risk for a significant increase in gouty arthritic/renal stone attacks or serum uric acid in patients with gout during Ramadan fast. So it depends on the individual. In general, the longer you fast, the higher the risk to develop an acute flare. Some precautions such a good supplement intake, proper diet when breaking fast, drink plenty of water when breaking fast and take medication on time can be done to reduce the risk.
Examples that supplements that can be taken are fish oil, seeds, folic acid, chinese medicine/herbs (Ermiao wan), vitamin C, turmeric, anthocyanins found in cherries and ginger. Examples of food that should be avoided are:
- organ meats
- game meats
- fish
- sugary beverages
- added sugars (corn syrup and honey)
- yeasts
- refined carbs
Examples of food that can help reduce the risk of gout; fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains, dairy product, eggs, beverages such as coffee, tea and green tea, herbs and spices and plant-based oils.
As for the medications, they are as below. There are 3 medication groups for acute flares; 1st line: NSAIDs eg. Diclofenac, 2nd line: eg.colchicine and 3rd line: glucocorticoids eg. Prednisolone. Long-term Urate Lowering Therapy (ULT) is the collective term for the long term management. ULT when there is to prevent recurrent acute attacks or disabling attacks. There are 4 examples of Long-term Urate Lowering Therapy (ULT); Allopurinol, Febuxostat, Uricosuric drugs e.g. probenecid and Raspuricase.
Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately online and discuss further about your inquiries. Thank you.