4 years
Started taking protien supplements
Doctor, my wife love to go to gym. But she has gout. Recently she started taking protien supplements. Is this okay? Would it worsen his gout?

5 years
Hi there! Thank you for your question. There is no specific research, but it can be safely said that protein supplements do not appear to increase gout risk. The protein supplements have a higher amount of protein compared to a normal diet. The following facts do support notion that these supplements do not increase gout risk.
1. Whey has lacta-albumin which might be helpful in decreasing uric acid.
2. Most of these supplements do not have fructose sugars. Fructose can get converted to uric acid and potentially increase gout risk.
3. Though not clearly mentioned on most supplements, these protein supplements do not tend to have a high purine content.
There might be some precautions required in gout patients consuming high amounts of protein in diet and via protein supplements. Whey proteins may not be linked directly with increased risk of getting gout. However, people with diagnosed gout should be careful increasing the protein load from whey. The burden on the kidneys to excrete or clear the whey products might become excessive, especially if the kidneys are already compromised.
Discuss with your doctor as only he/she will have the information needed about your kidney status, muscle status and medications you are on. The following are some general advises for gym-goer with gout. Have protein in diet, but cut down ‘gout-unsafe’ sources of protein such as high purine foods like liver, glandular meats, certain sea food. lean meat, poultry and fish). Take your medicines.
Avoid dehydration and harmful supplements. ‘Bulking’ and ‘cutting’ cycles by body builders may lead to uric acid fluctuations and gout attacks. Regular moderate exercises are good for gout patients. Increased weight and poor lifestyle increases risk and makes gout treatment less effective. High protein intake increases the load on damaged kidneys. In gout patients, kidneys might be not functioning well due to many reasons.
So be careful with your protein intake. Gout patients have increased tendency of kidney stone formation. There have been some studies claiming that increased protein consumption might increase stone formation.
Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately online and discuss further about your inquiries. Thank you.