4 years
My grand-dad was an active guy but just diagnosed with gout
Hello doctor, my grand-dad was an active guy but just diagnosed with gout. Is there any good exercises that can relieve the problem as my grand-dad is quite reluctant to take his medication. Thank you.

5 years
Hi, thank you for your question. It is probably best if your grandfather rest the joint until the pain goes away. Other things to try when he is in pain include using cold packs to relieve pain, drinking more water and control your diet.
He should limit the intake of food which are high in purines, for example, red meat, seafood and organ meats. Alcoholic beverages and sweetened drinks should also be avoided. This is because all these food can increase the uric acid level in the blood.
When he is not in pain, he may start to exercise regularly. Before that, discuss with your doctor or physiotherapist to work out what types of exercise suits your grandfather best. Do low impact exercises and do not overexercise because you can aggreviate the pain.
Exercises suitable for people with gout include range of motion exercise, which relieves stiffness, improves flexibility and increases the ability to move joints through their full range of motion. It involves movements that take the joints through their full span and gentle stretching.
Another type will be strengthening exercises such as weight training and using a resistance band to help improve and maintain muscle strength. Strong muscles in turn help to support and protect your joints. Aerobic exercise is also beneficial. It helps to improve overall fitness, control weight, build stamina, improve mood, strenghten the heart and improve sleep quality.
Examples of aerobic exercises are cycling, walking, yoga and using an elliptical machine. Besides, you can opt for water exercises, such as water aerobics and swimming. Water can help to support your body weight and thus reduce the impact on joints.
Your grandfather should also maintain a healthy weight. Weight increase can worsen his pain. This can be achieved by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately online and discuss further about your inquiries. Thank you.