4 years
Can Someone With Gout Take Fish Oil Supplement?
Doctor, can someone with gout take fish oil supplement?

5 years
Hi there! Thank you for your question. So yes fish oil is said to be beneficial in gout patients. Fish oil is rich with omega-3 fatty acids. Examples of fatty acids that are available in fish oil are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). These are said to lower cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation. Which in turn will reduce the pain.
It is also important to note that purines (molecule that breaks down to produce uric acid) are found in the meat of the fish but not in highly purified fish oil, so it should not affect your gout. There was a study done in 2016, regarding the benefit of fish oil and results suggested that there are benefits of fish oil in gout but more research has to be done in the future.
You can increase your intake by taking one to two fish oil capsules or one teaspoon of fish oil daily.
There are several other supplements that are also said to help reduce gout incidence or the severity of it. Generally, they work by reducing the inflammation which in turn reduces that pain. Some of them even reduce uric acid level.
The few other supplements that are beneficial are seeds (seeds rich in omega-6 acids and gamma-linoenic acid (GLA), folic acid (break down high levels of homocysteine (amino acid in the blood when you eat meat), vitamin C, turmeric, anthocyanins found in cherries, ginger and Chinese medicine.
Several studies suggest that Chinese herbs help reduce inflammation. It not be be as effective as modern medicine but it is noted to have has fewer side effects. Ermiao wan is been proven in a few studies to reduce inflammation.
Chinese herbs should only be expert guidance. Nevertheless, it is important to note that these supplements only aid the control of gout. Proper diet intake and medications are still a must for good control of the disease.
Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately online and discuss further about your inquiries. Thank you.