3 years
I have sprained my hand and ankle for few years ago and now seek for help to get them recovered
I’m 23 years old, female. I had sprained my ankle for about 5 years ago and my wrist for about 2 or 3 years ago. I have seen a Chinese medicine practitioner and they said that I sprained a ligament and had a slight displacement of the heel bone. But until now still haven’t fully recovered.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Thank you for choosing us to get an opinion regarding your health issues.
Based on your explanations, you sprained your ankle 5 years ago while you wrist about 2 to 3 years ago. But up until now, it is not recovered yet.
For your information, the recovery time for a sprained joints varies depending on the severity of your injury. It may take anywhere from two weeks to heal a minor sprain and anywhere from six to 12 weeks to heal a severe sprain. You need to get a doctor’s advice regarding this issues because maybe you’ve a major injury that is not treated properly.
I hope the above statement does help you in a way and if you need further assistance and explanations from us, you can talk to our doctor or our specialist online. Thank you.
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