2 years
Infectious Diseases and microbiology
Hi, I am a science student from Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Temenggong Ibrahim in Johor Bahru. I have a question regarding to my biology coursework. May I know what is meant by infectious disease and what are the causes to this infectious disease?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
2 years
Hello and good morning.
Thank you for your question.
Infectious diseases are diseases can transmitted among people. In opposite, non-infectious diseases mean vice versa, examples include diabetes and hypertension. The causal organisms of infectious diseases are generally bacteria, viruses and parasites. These organisms can be transmitted by different means such as oral (food and fluid), parenteral (blood transfusion), sexual activity, airborne or droplets from sneeze or talking and vectors such as dengue via Aedes mosquito.
I hope this answer helps you. Thank you.
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