2 years
Nose Bleed on Right Nostril Everyday
I experience nose bleed everyday. Not the runny type of nose bleed and it mostly happens to my right nostrils. Im not sure how and why it happens, may not be something major, but I would like to know why.

2 years
Hello and good day to you.
Thank you for your question.
I understand that you are concerned with your health issue. I will try to help you.
Nosebleeds are more common than you think. Over 60% of the population will encounter nosebleeds at least once in their lifetime. It is the result of blood vessels in the lining of the nose bursting. Common causes of nosebleeds include:
- Blowing or picking nose very hard
- Blood thinning medication such as Warfarin
- Environmental changes in humidity and temperature cause the nose to dry and crack
- Allergies
- Common colds
- Injury or broken nose
- Deviated septum
Certain nosebleeds require immediate medical intervention such :
- Blood loss is large (more than a cup).
- Bleeding doesn’t stop upon pressure.
- Prolonged bleeding (over 20min)
The exact cause of nosebleeds is best to be determined by a healthcare professional by conducting a further medical investigation. To get the best medical advice for your situation, a doctor should be consulted. Proper treatment can be given upon detailed history taking.
Hope this answers your question. Thank you.
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